Love your chandeliers

Chandeliers should be super sized I say,  that way they feel like an uber chic art installation. Modern, playful and a fab way for giving some va va vroom to your room. The more off beat the better and whether they are cheap as chips or as expensive as hell - that’s not really the point – what matters is that they create a style statement and set the stage for the grandest of soirees or a takeout for deux. [caption id="attachment_73" align="alignnone" width="496"]wire_chandelier-004hr1 Molly (my dog) and I snuggle, watch tv and on slobby nights eat take out on the sofa whilst the chandelier emits a soft flickering glow.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_75" align="alignleft" width="307"]Julianne Moore’s NY pad oozes style in a causal, grown up but totally gorgeous way – the chandelier is crafted from the simplest of materials but shouts instant style. Julianne Moore’s NY pad oozes style in a causal, grown up but totally gorgeous way – the chandelier is crafted from the simplest of materials but shouts instant style.[/caption]

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