Planning your space
With the holiday season fast approaching why is that we (I should say I) look over our homes with a most critical eye. We are hosting Christmas this year and suddenly everything looks shabby and half finished. The whole house needs a fresh coat of paint, the ground floor needs to be transformed into a library, the hallway into a cosy little gallery. The bedroom needs to be relocated to another floor and the office to another room - my oh my I am exhausted just thinking about it. Mentioning such plans to my husband over the weekend was not met with the kind of response I was hoping for. Hey ho as they say - will keep working on it. First up on the revamp plan is the study more out of necessity than anything else since we have come to the conclusion that we simply cannot work together in the same room. Graham is a clutter bug with heaps of mess all ovcr the place (breakfast bowls, papers, and god knows what else). I on the other hand cannot function in such clutter I need my scented candle, a fire flickering in the hearth and some jazz on in the background. So on putting together a mood board for myself I came across this image which I thought would make a very sweet home office. Its cosy not clinical and I like its rustic charm. Whether I can convince hubby this is exactly what we need is a whole different matter!