Why do some rooms work and look fabulous, A list status almost and some rooms just don't cut the mustard? Easy peasy really just opt for something that evokes instant emotion. Be that a beautiful paint colour, some luxe wallpaper, a cool coffee table. It will need to throw everything else off balance so it knocks that room out of the park! It could be a really great artwork, an unusual light, an incredible rug. Bottom line its got to take your breath away, its got to instantly make you feel happy and on top of the world. It doesn't have to cost the earth because as I bang on about on an almost daily basis style has nothing to do with money. Their isn't as such a secret formula but there are some guidelines here goes in no particular order:
Think sassy and unexpected
Add a generous injection of personality - any animal inspired find will immediately lighten the mood of your space.
Play around with scale plonk large lamps on small tables and small chairs next to large coffee tables
Add colour nothing repeat nothing is more transformative

Great artwork, fab rugs totally elevate this room to another level (photography Todd Selby), and me below, again photography by Todd. At my happiest podding peas in my garden where a bunch of faux blooms sit in an old bucket and a bright zingy yellow chairs hangs out next to a old wooden table. Nothing matches but it works simple as that.