Such amazing weather we had yesterday, I was supposed to work but couldn't stand to, instead spent the whole day in the garden, composting, digging, weeding and getting excited about new things to plant. Suffering for it today though can hardly walk so itâs off to the lido for my (new regime) 3 weekly swims in the outdoor pool.
As we all know I am a huge fan of personality laden interiors, one's that make your heart skip a beat and your pulse rate quicken. In order to inject personality you need stuff, and I hate to say you need stuff on walls, be that mirrors, art, wallpaper with pattern anything that turns a plain boring wall into an extraordinary wall. Starting an art collection sounds scary, grown up and expensive all at the same time but believe me it really doesn't have to be. Posters. illustrations, old rusty signs flipped over (have 3) and hung on the wall like an installation are pretty easy to find and add instant pizzazz. Today I am in store (we are closing) for a massive change around and a new art wall. Super excited as its something I've wanted to do for a very long time.
Art walls or gallery walls look great in hallways, the most neglected rooms in the house and also above sofa's if you have happened to have ignored all my advice and not shoved them in the middle the room! Forget everything you read about rules and composition, if you are going for a group of art then higgidy piggidy salon style looks best.

Pictures hung salon style feel way less formulaic and uptight I think.

My sister and boyfriend's hallway they have the best art walls in the world (if I'm allowed to say that).

Happy Monday, gotta fly, 20 lengths, shower, breakfast, pack kids off to school and in store all by 8am - its tight!