I should be at yoga instead I overslept, dreamt that I ran to LA with Gordon Ramsey? Weird don't know where that came from, or why best not to ponder I say and get on with the business of the day!
Today I thought we should yabber about home offices, mine takes a whole floor - desk and library one part, relaxing nook the other part except I am now just thinking I don't ever spend anytime relaxing in the nook, so its a bit pointless but we are not here to talk about my issues. Most of us have home offices whether we are freelancers working at home or we work full time we still need a desk to sit at to type emails, pay bills etc etc. I always like to delegate, by that I mean I don't want to hot desk it with the dining table or any other table I want a specific table that does nothing else than be desk like. Here is the key when choosing a desk try and opt for a slightly grander number and your home office won't feel so utilitarian.
I've painted a very ornate old brown thing teal and it does the job nicely, I've also put lamps around it that don't shout officey. I've skimmed the area with rugs, covered a comfy chair with sheepskin throws and accessorised to the max so it doesn't feel boring. We all have to do boring things at our desks - I'm pulling at least a 12 hour day today at mine therefore it needs to make me happy. The Americans are great at utilising every single nook of a place especially in overcrowded cities like NYC - passageways, hallways double duty as home offices. If you happen to have a space that is cramped check out this idea below from
Real Living Australia, which by the way I happen to be gracing the cover with this month.
Chop desk in half and bracket to the wall, cool hey.
My desk (photography Todd Selby) which I am sure you have seen before a zillion times - actually need a larger one too much stuff is happening and piles are appearing all over the floor!