Thank you guys so much for all your feedback on the penguin it is so appreciated. Yesterday was so fabulous getting feedback from the press and you guys, cannot tell you how much it means. Next week I will show you much more of the collection. Seeing it all together for the first time was incredible I don't usually want September to roll in but this year it actually couldn't come quick enough!
This actually leads me very nicely to the theme of today's blog post and that is adding an element of surprise. I cannot bang on enough about how important this is for so many reasons. Firstly for the object itself - when the object doesn't relate in anyway to the interior it almost takes on special significance. As its soooo out of context it looks and feels almost like a work of art. Also it totally changes the tone of the interior making it feel unpredictable, unexpected and clever. There are too many harmonious, co-ordinated spaces out there that induce nothing in me but a big yawn. Add something unexpected and you will throw that space of yours out of the park. Two designers who I respect immensely are Kelly Wearstler and Jonathan Adler purely because they are experts at adding an element of surprise and taking a space whether you happen to be a fan or not to the next level. You walk into any one of those interiors and I guarantee you will be surprised. Our eyes crave visual interest whether that be a plate of food or a room, the more you up the anty the more magic you will create.
Simple no?
Fancy hanging a ship chandelier from the ceiling. Mr Adler did and how amazing does it look?
Check the vase, takes the space to a whole other place, designed by Kelly Wearstler.