I had to define my style of decorating to the press not so long ago which was pretty interesting because apart from the eclectic, glam slightly tongue in cheek vibe that is so instrumental to my spaces I also realised that I gravitate to rooms that are masculine in feel as opposed to feminine. Plonk me in a pastel girly pretty space and I reckon I would come out in a rash, or feel faint, agitated, instantly depressed - my behavioural changes would be pretty severe. There is no doubt that that the vibe of a room effects how we feel, it elevates spirits or it crushes them.
I guess if I had to drill down further I would say the essence of masculine interiors is all about dark colours, Â defined lines, oodles of texture. They can also be glam, you can totally chuck in the odd curve ball like sparkling chandeliers, tons of flowers its not rigid this decorating process but it helps if you can figure out early on which camp youâre in. The girls or the boys! Also there is no wrong or no right, if you prefer feminine interiors good on you both styles have merit , or if you like mixing the two even better because that creates friction and as we all know the more friction you create the cooler your interiors become!
A couple of images below that sum up masculine interiors - I tend to take it a few steps further by adding a touch more colour plus the odd unexpected twist plus zillions of flowers but for me at least these spaces below make me swoon.

Off to the gym see you in a bit