Photo shoot bloopers

We pride ourselves here at AA HQ on being highly professional. Always on time to the studio, always giving every single project one hundred percent, never slacking off taking long lunch breaks (actually even lunch breaks), never getting hung over,  (well mostly never) distracted always professional to the utmost! The same regrettably cannot be said for my two assistants The Two M's. The minute the camera comes out so do the games.  Jumping on the freshly made bed the week before last with our latest throw with a bone that one of them dug up from the garden (nice) refusing to get off the sofa this lunch time so we could shoot the latest selection of textiles as seen below: IMG_0049 IMG_0044 IMG_0040 Barking at top whack and zooming around the lower ground floor and generally causing  chaos. Not the most professional of assistants these two, unlike their mother!

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