Don't try so hard
How is it Friday already, the days are whizzing by way too fast. Before we know it January will be out the door.
It's a working on the house weekend for moi by the end of Sunday I need to have both floors painted out in the studio and the bedroom and bathroom painted also. Not sure if that is at all possible, 2 floors and 2 new rooms by the end of the weekend but that is the intention. As I was painting away late into last night I was thinking if I had to nail what single trick makes a room work what would it be. It's not so easy to define as there are so many but for me I guess the one thing I would advice is not to overdo it or try to hard.
Rooms that look and feel overly stylised (sort of show room esq) with everything just so end up not feeling that comfortable I find. I don't know about you guys but when I walk into a space I want to feel immediately at ease and comfortable, I want that squishy feeling of contentment you get when you down a double whisky. If every thing is placed just so, or if everything is fighting for attention for me at least it reads as a little uptight. Simple tricks to counteract that are not having things in rows like paintings on a wall or accessories on a desk or mantle. Cluster, group, prop up, muddle up that sort of thing. Play around with scale by all means, that adds a sprinkling of fairy dust but you don't want everything supersized otherwise it will feel a little crazy. It's a bit like over using the exclamation mark, in isolation or restrained it makes the point. Used after every sentence it looks silly.
I want rooms to dream in, that wrap me up in the softest blanket almost transport me. In this house I've got quite a few rooms that do that (more so than ever since I've changed the paint colour). But I've also had rooms that didn't quite hit the mark like my bathroom which has bugged me forever. Here’s hoping by switching the paint colour up and jigging things around that every room will feel like these two below. My bedroom and a corner of my studio. Although I should say my studio no longer looks like this. Same things but different furniture configuration.
Have a lovely weekend; wish I could say the same for me. Its hair pulling time - considering two tones of olive for the third floor, bathroom and bedroom. But its only a can of paint I here you say (I say that all the time to people). . I can heave everything out the room, spend 6 hours painting it olive, put it all back in and if it doesn't work out paint it out in another hue. Fun no? Ish!