Morning. Had a bit of a fright just now getting up this early with floorboards half painted out red all stuff in the hall removed, so the only lights came from the recessed above. It looks scarily bare and scarily red in the harsh light. Keep the faith no point getting in a panic at this hour I keep telling myself.
I so want spring to arrive, on every stand at the show in Paris it was in the air. Suppliers were previewing their latest outdoor furniture, blossom branches were everywhere, and one stand even had sand all over the floor so itâs a bit in my blood right now this spring feeling.
With the mild winter it feels like its almost here, cannot wait. One way to jolly it along is to put the odd bit of outdoor furniture indoors. For example wicker chairs look fabulous when brought inside with a sheepskin flung over them. Any plastic outdoor piece for that matter looks equally as good with the same treatment, a throw a sheepskin yes its breaking the rules a bit but that is the point right! Of course flowers and plants are a great way of bringing the outdoors in. Not only do they soften a space they fill it with life. Hallways with limited light are brought to life with flowers, foliage and plants. Cannot wait for our spring collection of blooms to arrive - which should be the end of next week. Although like the house the store will shortly (early Feb I think) be transformed by some of these paint colours I have here. So its all change. Also we have the most amazing new things in the warehouse waiting desperately to come in from chandeliers to incredible pendants, from floor cushions in the coolest colours to the cutest little desks. Roll on Feb I say!